External Conditions Closing of any sale is dependent on effective communication with the buyer. If the buyer is left with confusion or conflicts after discussing the proposal, they will usually need more time to think about it and will not act. This is especially true in non-emergent situations or in discretionary spending. There are many names for this essential spoken communication, but the one in most common use is: The Pitch. This has some unpleasant connotations, but remember that we are taking an expanded view of the sales process, to include an exchange of anything of value, not just … [Read more...] about Selling Part 3
Office Management
Selling Part 2
The last blogpost set an expanded framework for the concept of selling, as outlined by Daniel Pink in his latest book. The next section is concerned with how to be in order to get this into better shape. It’s an outline of your internal, subjective condition as it relates to moving others. Internal conditions Just like with any complex endeavor, your own mental and emotional preparations are critical for success. If you approach the idea of moving people as a new skill set to acquire, the preparation aspect becomes immediately obvious. You will also find that your skills and abilities with … [Read more...] about Selling Part 2
Selling Part 1
Daniel Pink has become one of the more important and influential business writers active today. His previous book, “Drive”, outlined and detailed the complex forces at work in the realm of human motivation, particularly in the business arena. He uses information and findings from university based research to support his conclusions, rather than anecdotes or personal experience. In his new book, “To Sell is Human”, he does the same for sales. Resistances In my work as a consultant, I universally hear the objection, “I don’t want to be a salesman.” I think there are several levels to this, … [Read more...] about Selling Part 1
Myers Briggs Type Prayers
In order to help you remember the types, here is a list originally published by the Birdsong Company of Sunnyvale, CA. This is of course meant as a joke, but there is more than a seed of truth in this! ISTJ Lord, help me relax about insignificant details beginning tomorrow at 11.41.23 PST ISTP Lord, help me consider other people’s feelings, even if most of the are hypersensitive. ESTP Lord, help me take responsibility for my own actions, even though it’s NOT my fault. ESTJ Lord, help me to not try to RUN everything. But, if you need help, just ask me. ISFJ Lord, help me to be … [Read more...] about Myers Briggs Type Prayers